There are many opportunities to volunteer! Or to request a membership form by regular mail, please call the Yocum Institute for Arts Education, 3000 Penn Ave, West Lawn, PA 19609, 610.376.1576. Leave your name and address for the Membership Vice President.
The BAA provides a network of support for artists of all levels and a stimulating program of activities including: • Lectures and demonstrations by artists and other arts professionals • Organized trips to museums, exhibitions and art events in other cities • Sponsorship of annual open juried art exhibition • Opportunities to study with accomplished artists here and occasionally abroad • Several annual membership shows at various locations • Newsletter (The Palette) five times a year that showcases area art events and tracks exhibition opportunities • Access to BAA library’s hundreds of books and tapes (See list here) • Shared studio time at the Yocum Institute for Arts Education facilities on Thursdays for portrait, still life, and figure drawing sessions. |